Monday, November 29, 2010

My ideal job

When I finish university I would like to work as a documentary, but this work is very hard to get, at least in Chile, because there is little workplace.
As a second option I have chosen to work in the area of major clinical, but specifically I like to work in production dairy or beef.
If I worked in Chile I would like to work in the South, with beautiful landscapes and animals, where she would work hard to produce good food for the population. People that work with me must be gentle, respectful, and who can do their job well, like the boss in the event that had one. XD
Making this work does not make me the happiest man in the world, but at least have a steady job, also the money I earn would not be lower, and today the production area is very well paid.
I would be a freelancer without a fixed schedule; I can manage my time alone without having to be accountable to a specific person, it which cannot be done in a production plant. XD


my favorite subject is immunology; this class corresponds to the study of the immune system, which is part of the biological mechanisms for maintaining the structural and functional organization of individuals.

To fulfill this function the system must react aggressively against anything foreign to our body and from cells, tissues and organs own aging, altered or transformer cells. The immune system is genetically programmed to defend against the attack of infectious agents, foreign cells and molecules and to eliminate cellular debris.

The teacher who teaches immunology veterinarian is Dr. Claudio Zuñiga Marti.
I like a lot because I've learned as small cells of my body I defend against pathogens, which would destroy me very quickly if these cells were not in my body. Besides pathogenic cells, whether virus or bacteria, are very complex ways of doing things, these organisms are constantly evolving.

Monday, November 15, 2010

my favority character

I admire to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, him full name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozar. he was born in Salzburg, Austria, 27 January 1756 and died in Vienna, Austria, 5 December 1791. he was an Austrian composer and pianist, considered one of the most influential and prominent musicians in the history of the world.

In his childhood in Salzburg, Mozart showed a prodigious ability in the field of keyboard instruments and violin. With only five years old he composed musical works and their performances were appreciated by the aristocracy and European royalty. At seventeen years old he was hired as a court musician in Salzburg. During his visit to Vienna in 1781, after being fired from his position at court, decided to settle in this city where he achieved the fame he remained the rest of his life, spite of a difficult financial situations.

In his final years, he composed many of his symphonies, concertos and operas most famous, and his Requiem.

His most famous works are Las bodas de Fígaro , Don Giovanni among other works.

I love music, and mozart is a great exponent of it. he was a prodigy of the classical music.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

my career

Actually I am studing in the university of chile, I am in me second year at medicine veterinary.
I chose to study a medicine veterinary becouse when I was a kid I liked very much the animals in general. The cat are my favorite animal. I have 5 cat in my home, 1 male and 4 female.
The career is funny becouse the practice course is dynamic and the teacher allows to interact whit the aniumals as cows and horses.
The university is spacious whit green areas and variouse place.

In the future I would like to work as researcher, traveling by the world, visiting various natural landscape, overalls specialize me in cats from small felines like a simple cat to big felines like lions among others.

Monday, November 1, 2010

my new blog!!! XD

Hi, my name is Antonio, i am 19 years old and i study on the Universidad de Chile.
I'm on second year of veterinarian medicine. I love felines and i want to work with them when i start to work with animals.
I like listen music,when i have time or play football and also other things.
I from Rancagua but i live on santiago in a apartment with 3 friends.
And this blog is a place where I want to expose my ideas.

So.. that's all, see you later^^